Friday, November 22, 2013

Updates! Updates! Get Your Updates!

All is updated.  Check out the right side to see how you rate.

Also, we added two new categories to the Power Rankings.  The ESPN Power Rankings use the formula of "(Win % times Points Scored) + Points scored.  I added this because I think that I needed to account for winning...

Second, we adeed the OVERALL WIN %.  This takes your score from each week and gives you an overall record for each week against EVERY team.  So, if you were the top scoring team, you would be 11-0 that week.  See below!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Ten Weeks In...Three Weeks to Go!

After 10 hard fought weeks...see where your squad ranks!  $80 up for grabs in the Individual Player Awards...have you put yourself in position to win some?!?  Check the pages on the right to see how things stack up.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Stats for (Back) Pats updated!

Yo!  Check out the most up to the minute information!  All things on the right pane are updated.  See if you have any shot at the money this season...

Friday, November 1, 2013


All things statistical and standing related are updated for your viewing pleasure!  Happy Halloween!  Only 5 weeks left in the regular season!