Thursday, October 21, 2010

Could This Be What is Happening to the Woodinville K-911s?

This article is stolen from the news


Collapse ... a player is treated after fainting during crunch football match

Fainted ... player treated after collapsing on pitch

FOUR football players fainted during a soccer promotion match after being given drinks allegedly laced with sedatives.

Peruvian side Hijos de Acosvinchos lost nearly half their side during the clash after gulping down energy drinks in beakers handed to them by an opposing team coach during a break in play.

 TV images showed the players falling to the pitch one by one and teammates confronting rivals Sport Ancash over suspicions they were the victims of a dirty trick.  One star collapsed seconds after the game was restarted after a teammate had been rushed away by ambulance amid fears he had an undetected heart condition.

Hospital tests later revealed the players had traces of a sleep-inducing tranquilliser in their blood.

Sport Ancash went on to win the match 3-0 and secure promotion.  Football chiefs have been asked to launch a probe and put the move on hold.

Hijos de Acosvinchos boss Americo Ibanez said: "My boys say Ancash medical staff gave them a liquid which made them feel dizzy and faint.  When they returned the bottles so the other team could drink from them as well, someone snatched them out of their hands."

"We want the authorities to investigate this and prove where this substance came from. We're intending to launch a formal complaint."

Sport Ancash president Pepe Mallqui blamed the players' illness on a heavy meal he claimed they had eaten before Sunday's match.

He said: "They ate barbecued chicken with spices and ended up taking indigestion tablets afterwards.

"I'm sure these four men fainted because of that and the physical effort they put in."

** THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN TIPPED OFF WHEN THE DRINK WAS IN A "BEAKER". Coach Olsen needs to be sure these drinks (probably coming from Royale W/Cheese Coach Robertson..this article is from South America) stay out of his oft-injured players hands.  Also, might be best for Olsen to cut the pre-game bbq chicken, just to be safe.

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